Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A man of snow

     Short Story                                By/ Younes Hazza'a
It is difficult for him to get excited, but it soon melts as soon as he sees the fingertips of a 30-year-old woman, perhaps a 40-year-old woman. Is it deprivation or the search for tenderness or compensation for his suffering from his wicked wife who is always screaming and wailing . A man of ice lives with a woman of fire but does not dissolve with her, nor is she extinguished with him.
As I walked down a street full of stray dogs, I jumped into my mind as a flash of lightning memories of the days I spent near that snow man. Perhaps I smiled  automatically when I remembered one day   a women who  was offering him a juice glass .. And before his drinking  it measures its temperature.. He says to her: But it is not cold .. Replied with an accent filled with ridicule  Dont worry, Professor  it is going to cold inside you  .. He responds with a laugh from behind the teeth:" ha ha ha ha ". She wants to tell him, but in her own way, how cold he is, how much he is snowy.. He  understood her with his way and responded to her  with utmost cold as usual.
He was not an ordinary snow man, but an expert in air conditioning and cooling, turning free people into slaves, adapting to all rituals, and molding with all shapes. The snow man is an object in elegant suits, and this deadly chill is his weapon and his qualification that distinguishes him from all other beings in  a country where its citizens are characterized by  haste, and a lot of foolishness and perhaps ferocity and barbarism.
In a society like this to be snowy, you'll be a prophet.   Your coldness will be one of the most important  miracles besides your pretence of stupidity and extravagance in showing modesty, goodness and savvy.
I admit that I got some of his coldness by staying with him for quite some time.Before that I was very emotional, a lot of anxiety and tension .. This is a feature I learned through my staying with him, thus  I become so different from the rest of my family
I admit that it is very difficult to reach that level of cold so that it becomes snowy .. In the sense that you face the balloons exploding in your face, and the insults inflicted on you. Facing stinging criticism with extreme chill, perhaps with a hidden smile that makes the other fall fast to your deadly chill.
   He often tries to sound romantic when he speaks to the women , showing more kindness and softness than that women,
 Perhaps it is a case of melting fabricated not up to the degree of real gonorrhea .. But courtship and proximity to the goal, but with plastic flexibility up to the extent of the flexibility of silicone material .. This courtship and this flexibility often opened the appetite of many women even office cleaners, approaching him to seduce him while he pretend that he has already fallen in love, but they instinctively as females realize without difficulty the level of his coldness .. However, they continue to approach greedily in financial aid .. Although they know how stingy he is compared to the driver and private secretary who works with him ..
I was not quite sure how he gained so much coolness that some attributed to the practice of yoga, which led him to this amount of sponge, and the flexibility to absorb the heaviest shocks with losing nothing of his coldness degree .. Is it preoccupation with meditation In the self from the inside turns into a permanent injection of a refrigerant ?  Perhaps it is exactly that.
  I remember how he makes himself in a (silent) for long hours while showing others around him that he is interested in listening to what they say or what they complain or what they are demanding Of rights or privileges ... listens for hours and all he responds to them is two words (ok .. exactly).. and As soon as the other person has finished his speech, he join him to the outside  to farewell to show him how important he is and how much he is interested in. However, everyone will soon reach the same conclusion. These words do not mean  what they have understood . Many of them continue to follow while the reply is the same reply (ok ..exactly) but nothing is implemented  .
Little by little, the place where he is, turned into something like a freezer.. Many cases are referred to him that are intended for freezing and cooling.
His boss put him in that place and knows how good he is to keep things storage for a long time, perhaps for years. ...
The place burst, everyone evaporated ... and the snowman came out  the rubble  in very majestic shape ,but his coldness did not help him this time to stay more . The explosion was enough to turn the iron into melting . The snowman turned into lava, leaving the freezing doors in the open position to receive new ice creatures in preparation for the next ice age.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

(The Last Part) 1

While I was completing a video clip that highlights the features of my exciting anchor that I adore .. I was moving between social networking sites (from Facebook to Twitter .. To Instagram ....) Then I respond to weekly routine messages (Friday blessed) .. A lot of love devour me In this late Thursday .. I remembered my love and forgotten my misfortune .. Here I regain my ability to focus in the world of women .. My world, which envies me some, and jealous of others, and heal me spare and envious .. I do not give them attention, I do not have time to ponder About my relationship with my past and present women ..
    Even though I no longer have real women, I have virtual women in my virtual world.
    I stopped at a butt on Instagram do not care whether it is really real or it is Photoshop .. Although Photoshop has been so exciting that I lost  the distinction between Thursday and blessed Friday.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The spongy President

Heading Distance His homeland  From another land in spite of  his claim that he has 80% of Yemen under his control.
What a Spongidity !
Staying four years in the Hotel with his carless default Government far from his people who is  Suffering from the worst humanitarian crisis in the World  .
He is himself catastrophe for Yemen .

Finally, the great mystery behind the disappearance of the American submarine Titan was revealed The story that occupied the world during the past days

    Finally, the great mystery behind the disappearance of the American submarine Titan was revealed The story that occupied the world d...